Man on the Street: Midterms prove stressful for students

Midterms prove stressful
Midterms prove stressful
Midterms prove stressful
Midterms prove stressful
Midterms prove stressful
Midterms prove stressful

Midterms run from late September into early October, turning the middle of the semester into an especially stressful time for students. Faced with several consecutive tests, students may find themselves cramming to review all of the material. This may lead to late nights spent studying, not allowing the time to get adequate sleep.

Because getting fewer hours of sleep proves detrimental on exams, some of the students we communicated with said that they prefer to study in any spare moment they have, during every minute of the day not allotted for class time.

For other students we found, midterms took its toll on them and some said they are glad to be through it.

Man on the Street: Midterms prove stressful for students” was originally posted on The Daily Cougar

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