SGA 11/14/18: SGA releases allocations, and speaks toward semester’s end

This week’s SGA meeting welcomed a guest speaker, discussed upcoming changes for future school years, final allocation amounts, various academic reminders,  passed 2 resolutions and adopted a new resolution, as well as announced they will be live-streaming all of their future meetings

Elijah Brown, guest speaker, spoke about Midwest Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (MACURH), a regional business conference and the volunteer opportunities available. MACURH is an organization that works to ensure students who live in the residence halls are happy and content with their experiences in them. The conference is Feb. 7-10, 2019 and volunteer hours can be on the 7th from 3-11 p.m., or on the 8th-9th from 7 a.m.- 11 p.m. Volunteers would get a free tee-shirt, name-tag, as well as a backpack and will have meals provided. They would be helping to direct people, lead people between different locations on campus, help set up a banquet for the attendees, check people in and out, or help be an information provider. They are looking for about 25-30 volunteers and will provide more information as it is made available. Those interested can contact for more information.

Kyle Frank, SGA president, announced there is a resolution going through the Faculty-Senate president’s group seeing whether they want to adjust the number of credit hours needed to receive at the Regent’s institutions to attain their degrees. There will also be changes to meal plans, with considerations to changing from the current plans to having unlimited weekdays, unlimited, or simply a certain number of swipes per semester.

Final allocation amounts will be sent out to all organizations tonight, along with a link to an appeal form. If organizations have any questions regarding their amounts allocated or are curious about how to appeal, they may contact Cassandra Ngo, the SGA Treasurer. The process for appealing is that organizations will have to fill out a form with their justification for appealing. Ngo will send the form along with anything the SGA Finance Committee will have to add to the Judicial Board, and the Judicial Board will have the final say in the appeal.

During director reports, the academic affairs director reminded students that during Dead Week, professors cannot assign large assignments or tests (there will be a BULK-E sent out regarding this), as well as the overload policy. The overload policy states that if a student is enrolled in over 20 credit hours and they have 3 finals on the same day, they may request a reschedule for the highest-ranked final per course number.

In old business, Resolution 18-23 requiring all Judicial, Executive, and Senate members of SGA to complete one year and two semesters to receive graduation cords and recognition was passed unanimously. Resolution 18-24 regarding fall allocations was passed, with one opposition.

In new business, Resolutions 18-25 was adopted unanimously. Resolution 18-25 proposed purchasing a second microwave for $89 for use by students in the Overman Student Center.


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