Brexit outcome affects FSC students, staff and programs

In June of 2016, over 17 million citizens of England decided, in an act of patriotism, to vote for their country to leave the European Union (EU); in 2019, they are still deciding.

Since the initial vote in 2016, there has been a continued debate between the citizens of England and the people of Parliament. There are many citizens who are in disbelief that England will actually leave the EU.

“I doubt it will happen, that we leave the EU,” FSC basketball player and citizen of England Kai Cleary said.

Regardless of the of people who may disagree, the movement to leave England has already begun. Because of this, former Prime Minister Theresa May made the decision to resign this year after struggling to come to a mutually beneficial deal for both the United Kingdom (UK) and the EU.

That being said, newly-instated Prime Minister Boris Johnson has declared that the UK leave the EU on October 31 regardless of a deal. To leave without a deal will be spooky for the customs union and single market, who are in charge of taxation regarding trade deals. If there is no deal struck, British goods will be taxed and delays will begin on trade routes.

Clearly, England leaving the EU will affect its economy­–England will not be there to help other countries in financial struggle. Due to the changes in the market, Brexit could ultimately mean a financial boost for England because the UK would no longer be responsible to financially assist other countries in the EU.

“We are stuck in unfair trade deals which leaves us to bail out economically struggling countries like Greece which isn’t really beneficial to us anymore,” Samuel Winning, Florida Southern assistant men’s soccer coach, said.

Winning is a citizen of Scotland, a member country of the UK that will be greatly affected by the results of Brexit.

Though the UK has been part of the EU for the past 46 years, it has still kept the British Pound as the national form of currency for Britain and its remaining colonies. The lack of change in currency has preempted the notion that England values its independence as a nation and will sufficiently thrive outside of the EU.

Though England may find this to be an easily substantiated transition, the FSC travel department will have to make modifications for study abroad plans.

“Colleges and Universities abroad are already making adjustments in preparation for the changes. It may require Visa’s for students coming from the United States,” Student Travel Coordinator in the Office of Student Travel Bridgette McArthur said.

FSC students, who are travelling to London through the school, will now have to take extra steps to acquire a visa. Many other countries will also have to take these extra steps to enter England.

Though the EU is unhappy with the proposed arrangement that is rapidly approaching, the exit of Britain will ultimately help to rejuvenate England as a singular country by strengthening their economy, patriotism, and overall culture.

Many people support the claims that citizens of the UK voted in favor of leaving the EU because they did not believe the UK would actually leave.

“People weren’t fully aware of the consequences of England leaving the EU and voted out of patriotism for their country,” Winning said.

That being said, if a deal has not come to fruition by Halloween, when the UK will leave the EU, the people of the UK will be unbothered with the consequences because of their strong pride for their country.

If you are interested in following along with daily updates regarding Brexit, the BBC is a great and reliable source.

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