UnLODEing Zone

Originally Posted on The Lode via UWIRE

Ok, the start of this semester has already been a crazy ride of ups and downs and it’s only the third week. That doesn’t really bode well for me and I’m not looking forward to how much worse it could get as I try to graduate on time.

The positive side of the past few weeks has been that two of my classes have some really fun readings. While sometimes it can be time-consuming, I thoroughly enjoy all the short stories and novels that I’ve been reading so far. It’s one of the joys of being an English major.

I also enjoy that some of my co-workers here at the Lode are also in those classes. We have a good time chatting about the readings or about the creative pieces we’re writing. It almost always brightens my day, even if we do end up confusing our other co-workers as they try to figure out how robots are things that we would write about for the Lode (hint: we’re not).

But some of my other responsibilities are really stressing me out. For example, in my last required class for my writing minor, we’re working on a project that I’m having so much trouble understanding and the professor doesn’t give us a lot of detail or adequate warning for some of the steps required for the project. I’ve already almost had three panic attacks in the space of two weeks! Not helpful.

Also, I still haven’t found a job after I graduate, so whatever free time I’ve got is spent searching and interviewing. Not my favorite past time. But it has to be done, and hopefully, it’ll work out sooner rather than later so that I don’t have to deal with it during the last part of the semester. One can hope, right?

Anyway, that’s how weird the semester has been already and it’s barely even started. I don’t like it, but it definitely could be worse. I just have to remember that. Only a couple more months and then I’m done with school for good.

Read more here: https://mtulode.com/3433/opinion/unlodeing-zone-5/
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