World News

North America 

Trump acquitted by Senate in impeachment trial 

President Donald Trump has been cleared in his impeachment trial. The Senate voted to acquit in 52-48 on charges of abuse of power and 53-47 on obstruction of Congress charges. This ends the congressional big to oust him from office. 


Finland to give fathers same parental leave as mothers 

Finland’s new government has announced plans to give all parents equal time off leave. The paid allowance will increase to a combined 14 months, which works out as 164 days per parent. This comes as a push to get fathers to spend more time with their children.  


Hong Kong to quarantine visitors from mainland China 

Hong Kong is to impose a mandatory 14-day quarantine on all visitors from mainland China. This comes as an attempt to prevent the spread of a coronavirus outbreak. This policy will come into effect on Saturday. 


Nigeria’s new visa policy to attract foreign talent 

Muhammadu Buhair, Nigeria’s president, has revealed a new visa policy which he says intends to attract talents and knowledge from abroad. The new policy will see the introduction of visas on arrival for short visits for holders of passports of African Union countries. 

South America 

Brazilian indigenous group takes on mining giant 

As Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro seeks to authorize mining in indigenous reserves, a conflict with members of the Mura indigenous group has arose. The Mura, who opposed the mining for various negative by-products that would come of it, mobilized and reaches a court-approved deal. The deal halted the project by Potassio do Brasil, the mining company, until a “free, prior, and informed consultation” has been carried out. 

Middle East 

Iraq names new prime minister after months of protests 

Mohammed Allawi has been named prime minister following four months of protests. Allawi’s predecessor Adel Abdul Mahdi resigned in November amid mass anti-government demonstrations. Allawi will have a month to form a new government, which he will lead until early elections. Allawi has expressed support for the protests. 

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