WGRC provides resources to students, sexual assault victims

Gerald Sastra/The Cougar

Gerald Sastra/The Cougar

The first six weeks of school have higher rates of sexual assault on campus, this has been dubbed the Red Zone by the Women and Gender Resource Center

The Red Zone Kick-off Resource Fair outlined the first six weeks of school as the most dangerous time for students.

As the school year is underway, some students come into new social settings, new living spaces and party gatherings that can put them at risk for sexual assault. 

The Women’s and Gender Resource Center hosted the Red Zone Kick-off Resource Fair with director Anneliese Bustillo and manager of Sexual Misconduct Support Services Devon Fan.

They strive to provide general emotional support, counseling and education to anyone that is a victim of sexual assault or engaged in sexual misconduct.

“We are both confidential resources on this campus, which means that we are not required to report incidents of sexual misconduct that someone discloses to us,” Fan said.

“There are a few other confidential resources on this campus as well, including UH Clergy, Student Health Services and Counseling and Psychological Services,” Fan added.

Non-consensual sex is an explicit act of abuse that is not tolerated on campus, outside of campus or from any student, according to the resource center.

Sexual assaults usually happen in isolated corridors, empty dorms and outside parties not sponsored by the University.

To protect and prevent students from the Red Zone, Bustillo advises University students to continue social distancing and utilize the available confidential resources.

“(If) you don’t know what’s a good first step, you don’t know how to talk to someone about what happened, sit with us, because we are confidential resources and we can provide that additional support and also we can help you navigate through all the resources available to you,” Bustillo said.

Bustillo encourages University students to make a conscious decision to prevent sexual assault on campus and educate themselves on sexual consent. 

“Soon, you will have the opportunity to take our crossroads training, which is training about how to ensure that you understand issues like consent and boundaries and ways to communicate with your partner,” Bustillo said.

With limited access to a physical campus, students will have the ability to talk to professionals about their own sexual traumas remotely.


WGRC provides resources to students, sexual assault victims” was originally posted on The Cougar

Read more here: http://thedailycougar.com/2020/09/01/wgrc-resources-students-sexual-assault-victims/
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