Back to the Future

Originally Posted on The Triangle via UWIRE

Logo Credit: Gabrielle Dondici

Hi everyone!

We are back and better than ever! We missed you so much while we were on break. Don’t believe us? We spent almost every day of winter break either recording, discussing, planning or editing this podcast. If that doesn’t show dedication to our loyal fans, I don’t know what does.

Today we bring you our very first episode of winter term: Back to the Future. You may be asking yourself, “But Brandon, why did you name it after a blockbuster film series of the late ’80s starring Michael J. Fox?” Well, that’s simple: Because everything that Marty Mcfly did while he was in the past affected his future. Wow. Now that’s deep.

In this episode, we talk about how our 2020 started, how we were feeling throughout and how it ended. Still not understanding? Everything that occurred during our time in 2020 will affect how we will take on 2021… and I promise you, it’s for the better.

While we do talk about our new year goals (which includes the highly improbable goal of Brandon’s High School Pop Punk band making it big), it would not be “Ain’t That Something” unless we tackled topics of our personal hardships and mental health. We love that. It’s our brand. Stay to the very end and you’ll hear a very interesting story about Liz’s struggle while working at a hometown restaurant.

We are so thankful for every last one of you. Thank you so much for joining us in 2020, and even bigger thanks for seeing us into 2021.

Let’s get it!

Brandon and Liz

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