Cougar Place affected by water line break

Originally Posted on The Cougar via UWIRE

The water pressure at Cougar Place has been affected after a hit to a water line. | Sydney Rose/The Cougar

The water pressure at Cougar Place has been affected after a hit to a water line. | Sydney Rose/The Cougar

Cougar Place was affected by a water outage on Wednesday after a water line on Cullen Boulevard was damaged the night before.

A contractor for the city working on construction on Cullen Boulevard hit the water line on Tuesday night, and is working to repair the line, said UH spokesperson Chris Stipes.

Other buildings on campus did not seem to be affected by the water line break.

The whole building of Cougar Place has been affected by these water pressure issues. Water should be restored to the building by 6:30 p.m.

Repairs to the line should be done soon, Stipes said.

Cougar Place affected by water line break” was originally posted on The Cougar

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