UH ranks again in the top 100 for utility patents issued



UH ranks among the top 100 for their number of patents issued in 2020. This is the University’s sixth time making the list. | File Photo

UH ranks among the top 100 global universities for the number of utility patents issued in 2020. 

The list is published by The National Academy of Inventors and the Intellectual Property Owners Association. Using data from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the organizations formulate lists of high-performing public and private institutions and have been since 2013.

Now with 37 patents issued, the University found itself on the list for the sixth time in a row, this time ranking at 76. 

Two other Texas universities, The University of Texas and Texas A&M University, also join UH on the list. 

Part of UH’s major success with patents stems from the UH Technology Bridge. The space located adjacent to the University is known for many activities related to research and innovation.

Additionally, the UH Technology Bridge is home to 28 start-ups that aid in moving technologies to the marketplace.

Acquiring a utility patent to the technologies developed are recognized as valuable assets. They help in protecting processes or machines, potentially used to improve the quality of life.

The ranking reflects UH’s contributions to science and technology and their ongoing need to improve the quality of life by addressing the most pressing problems in society, according to Amr Elnashai, vice president and vice chancellor for research and technology transfer at UH. 


UH ranks again in the top 100 for utility patents issued” was originally posted on The Cougar

Read more here: http://thedailycougar.com/2021/06/30/uh-ranks-again-utility-patents-issued/
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