BREAKING: Gabel announces UMN Morris chancellor search

President Joan Gabel announced in an email on Tuesday the administration for the University of Minnesota is launching a national search for the next chancellor at the University of Minnesota-Morris. 

Chancellor Michelle Behr served as Morris’ chancellor until 2021. Acting Chancellor Janet Ericksen took over after Behr retired and will continue to hold the position until a new chancellor is named. 

Peh Ng, acting dean and vice chancellor for academic affairs at Morris, and Michael Rodriguez, dean of the College of Education and Human Development will be the co-chairs of the search committee. The University is taking nominations for additional search committee members through Oct. 7. 

Once the University announces the full search committee membership, the committee will “host listening sessions with key stakeholders on and off campus.” The search committee will also host public interviews on campus.

Gabel said the University is hoping to appoint the next chancellor before the end of spring semester. 

The last time the University conducted a search for a new chancellor was last fall for University of Minnesota-Duluth, which became controversial over the summer


Correction: A previous version of this article misstated when Acting Chancellor Janet Ericksen started in that role. Erickson became acting chancellor in 2021. 

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