Ask Amber: I want a new job

Originally Posted on The Minnesota Daily via UWIRE


This is my second year here at the University of Minnesota. I have been balancing my schoolwork with having a job for the entirety of my college career so far. Recently, I learned of a job posting for a position I’ve been wanting to apply to for a while.

The job I have right now pays fairly well in comparison to this new job. However, my current job is part of a very toxic and unfulfilling environment that I would like to escape as soon as I can.

Even though this new job pays a lot less than my current job, it sounds far more mentally rewarding than the job I have right now. If I did go for the new job, I think I would experience less overall burnout from trying to balance it with my school schedule. At the same time, since this new job would pay less, I probably would not be able to support my current lifestyle.

I don’t know what to do. Should I keep the job I have, apply for this new one or do something else?

Thank you,
Bracing for Burnout

Dear Bracing for Burnout,

I think there are two main points that should be addressed in this situation.

First, I think you should leave your current job. There is no job that pays well enough to sacrifice your well-being. If this current job is as toxic and harmful as you say it is, get out of there as soon as you are financially and realistically able to.

Second, while we tend to idealize our dream jobs, they aren’t always realistic. If the job you are looking into does not pay enough to sustain you, it will not be worth it in the long run. If you do get this new job, would you be willing to sacrifice aspects of your current lifestyle?

Depending on how much of a pay drop you are talking about, I would also suggest looking into other jobs. I know this job you are considering is something you’ve been wanting for a while, but there are other jobs out there too. They might not be exactly what you are looking for, but sometimes we do have to find a compromise between financial stability and personal fulfillment.

Either way, there is no harm in applying for this new job. Perhaps you can even request a slight starting pay bump or increased hours if you can afford the time. The most important thing in this situation is to get out of your current job and get into a job that is less taxing on your humanity.

Best of luck,


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