Former UMN regent Michael Hsu announces re-application to board

Originally Posted on The Minnesota Daily via UWIRE

Former University of Minnesota Regent Michael Hsu announced he applied to the University’s Board of Regents on Tuesday after submitting his application to the Regent Candidate Advisory Council (RCAC).

Hsu applied for the At-Large seat currently held by the board’s chair, Regent Ken Powell. If Hsu wins, he will be the first person of color re-elected to the board.

Hsu was a University graduate and was initially elected to the board in 2015. He represented Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District until he lost his seat to Regent Kodi Verhalen in 2021.

“I submitted my application to the Regent Candidate Advisory Council,” Hsu said on Twitter. “Some won’t like it, but I’m giving it the old college try!”

While serving on the board, Hsu was known for being outspoken against University administration. He has said he believes the involvement of the Maroon and Gold Rising Political Action Committee (PAC) influenced the election process, causing him to lose his seat.

Although it is not affiliated with the University, Maroon and Gold Rising lobbies on behalf of the University’s interests at the state Legislature. Hsu has criticized the PAC for influencing regent elections in the past.

Regent elections are a multi-step process at the Minnesota State Legislature that start with applying to the RCAC. The RCAC screens applicants and recommends names to the regent nomination joint committee, which can bring names to the floor for the vote.

The Minnesota Legislature elected regents during a joint session of all 201 members of the House and Senate in the spring.

The other seats up for re-election in 2023 are Congressional Districts 2, 3 and 8, held respectively by regents Steve Sviggum, Darrin Rosha and Tadd Johnson.

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