Greek Life reflects on the importance of Carnival Royalty

Originally Posted on The Lode via UWIRE

Winter Carnival is a time in which students from all majors and organizations come together to create a long held tradition on Tech’s campus. Part of this tradition is the Winter Carnival Royalty competition. 

Faith Prentiss, an Alpha Gamma Delta alumna, reflects on her experiences with her sisters running for royalty. She states, “ In a school dominated by a male to female ratio, Carnival Royalty is such an important part of our campus’s sororities because it offers a chance for us to show off our talents, engage in involvement on campus, and highlight our academic achievements.” 

Along with this, After Carnival Royalty were crowned, Prentiss emphasized that the best part is that they are able to ride the Zamboni. 

The competition consists of a talent show and in-depth interviews. Prentiss explained that previous years talents ranged from singing, to playing an instrument, to bridge building. 

Contrary to the original Winter Carnival Royalty Competition that focused on a 

beauty pageant and ice skating abilities, recent Carnivals have shifted to a more individualized event.  

Jerod Busch, President of the fraternity Tau Kappa Epsilon, has expressed his enjoyment at seeing Josie Edick, a TKE sweetheart and good friend, being nominated for Carnival 

Royalty. “She is exceptionally smart, a great friend, and a great person all around. Our fraternity is happy to be sponsoring her and wholeheartedly believes she deserves it. She has done a lot for Greek Life and the Tech community.”

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