Join the Triangle today

Originally Posted on The Triangle via UWIRE

Photo by The Triangle

To celebrate the 97th anniversary of The Triangle, I thought it would be fitting to encourage all our readers to consider joining – so I’ve narrowed down my top reasons to join the team in order to (hopefully) sway you to fill out your application today! 

  1. We are not just a team of writers. 

This might be the biggest misconception about joining The Triangle! Over the years, many computer science, graphic design, marketing, and business majors have found their place in The Triangle. We have a diverse team that contributes to the production of our newspaper — everything from managing our finances, running our social media accounts, directing our distribution days, designing the layout, and setting up our website. There’s a place for everyone! 

  1. We are completely independent from Drexel University. 

The Triangle is the independent student newspaper at Drexel University, which means we are completely detached from the university. Due to this, we raise our own funds, make all the decisions, and allow our writers to share whatever they are passionate about without being subject to censorship. We are extremely proud of this, and this gives our staff members the chance to explore leadership opportunities by becoming editors and managers within the organization.  

  1. We are back to a regular publishing schedule.  

After our COVID-19 induced hiatus, we are back and stronger than ever! Our publishing schedule is now regular, and there is a constant buzz in the office with our many teams working towards upcoming print and online editions of The Triangle. This is a great chance for our writers and photographers to report on current issues and get the word out about things going on around campus, Philly, or worldwide. There is always something going on, making every week, whether a publishing week or not, very exciting! 

  1. You get to meet a lot of new people.  

With over 40 members of the Triangle currently, by joining, you already have 40 new friends who are so excited to meet you! And it does not stop there, by becoming a member of our team, you will have unique opportunities to interview students on campus, meet with various Drexel faculty, as well as connect with members of the Philadelphia community.  

  1. We have a lot of fun! 

Putting out a newspaper requires a lot of hard work and dedication, but it is always a good time. The Triangle is a place where students of all backgrounds can come together, share stories and make a difference on campus. In my unbiased opinion, you will not find a more diligent, motivated and talented group of people at Drexel University. This is more than just a newspaper; we work like a team and love like a family.  

If I have managed to convince you, be sure to fill out an application, (find it at and we hope to see you at future General Body Meetings! 

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