2023 ASUU Inauguration Introduces O’Leary Presidency


The 2023-24 ASUU Inauguration was held on Wednesday, April 26 at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts to reflect on Taylor VanderToolen’s presidency this past year, while looking forward to the Jack O’Leary presidency.

A photo wall was displayed on the right side of the room, showcasing memories and achievements from VanderToolen’s administration and this past year. Head tables for the presidency situated next to each other at the front symbolized the connection between the past and upcoming presidencies.

The inauguration began with opening remarks from Elections Board Director Jacob Jones. After that, the program continued with “year-in-review” reflections and encouragement from outgoing senior leadership within ASUU. This included statements from Assembly Chair Scott Perkins, Senate Chair Muskan Walia and Attorney General Tracey Mai. Then, the VanderToolen Administration took to the stage to give their final remarks.

Outgoing Vice President for University Relations Benvin Lozada reflected on his past year in ASUU, adding his perspective had changed since coming into the presidency. 

“It’s just so different because, for the incoming group, it’s all about what you’re going to do next,” he said.

He also mentioned the dual nature of the inauguration.

“For the other half of the people here, it’s reflective; it’s like, ‘What did I do this year, am I happy with what I did?’” he said. “So it’s odd because you kind of have two different things merging.”

Lozada emphasized his enthusiasm for increased participation in ASUU elections.

“I’m really excited to see all of the student engagement in the elections this year,” he said. “I was really excited to see so many tickets running and so many assembly representatives and senators. I’m really excited to see what the new groups hopefully want to accomplish.” 

After the final speeches, ASUU Supreme Court Chief Justice Mitch Kirkham administered the oath of office to the incoming Assembly and Senate Representatives, as well as senior leadership.

Finally, the 2023-24 ASUU presidency was inaugurated: President Jack O’Leary, VP of University Relations Chloe Shewell and VP of Student Relations Parker Madsen.

Parker Madsen during the ASUU Presidential Inauguration at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, April 26, 2023.
Parker Madsen during the ASUU Presidential Inauguration at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, April 26, 2023. (Photo by Marco Lozzi | The Daily Utah Chronicle) (Marco Lozzi)

Madsen felt the inauguration was a way to honor the work done over the past year and garner excitement for the year ahead.

“I really respect everything that the VanderToolen administration has done,” Madsen said. “I really think that they’ve made a positive change on the university and I’m sad to see them go.” 

Merrin Maughan is a newly elected assembly representative within the College of Science. She filled one of three seats attributed to the college. She explained the reason she felt compelled to run for a seat came from her intent to give back to the college she has learned so much from, and added she is excited to make a difference in her position with ASUU.

“I think a lot of people underestimate what ASUU can accomplish and the impact that it has as an organization,” she said.

Maughan is already planning for the year ahead as an assembly representative. The first thing on her agenda is to look at student funding.

“That’s one of our biggest kind of goals as an assembly. After that, we’ll get started on organizing budgets for student organizations for the next school year,” Maughan said.

The inauguration concluded with the singing of the Utah Fight Song.

As the results of the election have finally sunk in, Madsen says the thing he is most excited about is to begin.

“I’m most excited to get started. I’m really passionate about the ideas that we’ve presented during the election, and I’m really excited to implement them,” he said.





Read more here: https://dailyutahchronicle.com/2023/04/28/2023-asuu-inauguration-oleary-presidency/
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