ME-EM department townhall

Originally Posted on The Lode via UWIRE

Last week there was a townhall meeting for the Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Mechanics department, more commonly referred to at ME-EM. The town hall was a student-led forum for ME-EM students to share their experiences and raise concerns about classes, professors and other departmental matters. Classic ME-EM courses like introduction to manufacturing, statics, dynamics, and the mechanical engineering practices were the main topics of conversation. 

This was an event put on by ME-SAC, Mechanical Engineering Student Advisory Committee. They sent three representatives and provided pizza for attendees. ME-SAC is a group of ME-EM students that “act as a liaison between the students and the department,” said Raylan Jiao, a fourth year mechanical engineering student and member of ME-SAC. She joined ME-SAC to help improve the department and improve the ME-ME curriculum in the future. 

While this event was focused on ME-EM affairs, there are ways for students to make their voices heard across campus. If you have struggled with a course, feedback can be given to the department. Not everything has to stay the way it is, and students do not have to accept the status quo. By making your voice heard you could improve future students’ experiences for years to come. You can find similar forums in other colleges via a google search or asking around. If you are a ME-EM student and want to reach out to ME-SAC you can send them anonymous comments at

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