Top 5 places we should move the SLU Dolphins

Originally Posted on The University News via UWIRE

The dolphin pond installation along Grand Avenue has an overall concrete aesthetic that is both pleasing and brings a welcoming splash to the school. However, its location was not the best choice. The grassy knoll between Grand Hall and Grand Avenue used to be a place to relax and participate in various outdoor activities. The spacious green space out in the sun by Grand is now occupied by the dolphins. The overall addition of the dolphins could’ve been so much more valuable if one of these other locations were chosen:

#1 Grand Dining Hall

(Kaleb Yu / The University News)

Here’s a proposal for DineSLU: Dine WITH the dolphins! While visible from the dining hall at the moment, a relocation indoors to the hall would be massively beneficial. We could improve this grand establishment by having the dolphins next to where students can enjoy a meal. It would bring some company to those who eat alone as well. The dolphins could also have a utility function if they were incorporated into the facilities and could act as a dispenser for ice cream or beverages.

#2 Olive Compton Garage

(Kaleb Yu / The University News)

This would bring a lot of joy to commuters who would get to see the dolphins upon arrival to campus. “It is unfortunate that the area in front of the Grand dining hall can no longer be used by students for recreational activities. But I would be very interested in how they would get the plumbing fitted here.” Jack Carignan, president of the Commuter Student Association, mused. Seeing these statues upon arriving at the gate would be a great way to make you forget about the traffic you just went through.

#3 ISE 211

Imagine starting your day greeted by dolphins in one of the campus’s largest classrooms. This room encompasses most of the introductory biology and chemistry courses which have massive enrollments at this school. Instead of dozing off to slides, you’d be waving at the dolphins in the middle of the room. The perfect way to learn biology is to be able to appreciate marine life.

#4 Fifth floor of Pius library

The fifth floor was always known as the quiet floor, but that doesn’t mean it has to be the boring one. Adding some concrete dolphins would create a soothing environment for people trying to get in a long study session. You will also never feel alone with the addition of these structures up there with you.

#5 SLU Ruba 

(Kaleb Yu / The University News)

For an area with sand and a pool, there is a significant lack of aquatic views. Adding dolphins here would make a tremendous difference and bring about a great deal of improvements to SLUruba. You would be able to enjoy the fountain here directly as you literally get to take a dive with dolphins.

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