Auditions open for “A Little Night Music” 

Addison Casada reporter

Auditions for “A Little Night Music” are scheduled for Aug. 27 and Aug. 28, both at 7 p.m. in Grubbs Hall. If you are looking to form bonds with your peers, learn more about theater, or want to try your hand at performing, the Pitt State Theater Department is the way to go. Don’t miss the wonderful opportunity to become immersed in a long-standing tradition at Pitt State and be a part of an exceptional production. 

As one of Pittsburg State University’s prime attractions, the Pitt State Theater Department offers an inclusive space for all students, but especially those with a knack for the performing arts. Each academic year, the department puts on three shows that all students are welcome to audition for or enjoy from the audience. This fall, Pitt State is putting on “A Little Night Music,” a story set in early twentieth-century Sweden. Director Linden Little provides more insight into the play and audition process.  

“(The play) takes place on the longest day of the year, so during the summer, where midsummer festivals are happening. It has lots of different couples who fall in and out of love, but are all intertwined with each other,” says Little. He further explained that this is a piece about love, desire, and time, offering a unique story for both the audience and performers.  

For those interested in auditioning, it’s easier than one might think. Anyone that is a student at PSU is welcome to join in on auditions, no matter their level of experience with being in productions. Little shares, “Everything is kind of general to the lower level of Grubbs Hall. In Grubbs 110, there are audition/information packets available that are hard-copied paper that have some scenes and some music selections, because this is a musical. Fill out the audition form at the back of the packet and you’re good.” It’s important to note that because this is a musical, some singing at auditions is required. Solo parts during the actual performance are not mandatory, though. 

Little has been working with the Pitt State Theater for nine years now, and part of his enthusiasm for this work is seeing students create bonds with one another. He also highlights the departments’ excellent facilities, like the Bicknell Family Center for the Arts. He elaborates, “We have a world-class facility in the Bicknell Center. We’re partnering with Opera on this production, so we’re working in the larger space—the Scott (Performance Hall).” He also says that this is the first time the theater department has had this opportunity, so it truly is something to be excited to watch or perform in. “The students always form a tightknit group, and that is something truly special about Pitt State Theater,” he added.  

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