21-ordinance to be on November ballot

By Nora Heaton

Members of the public will once again cast their ballots for or against the 21-ordinance this November, said Iowa City Mayor Matt Hayek.

The Iowa City City Council decided at its Monday meeting to put the 21-ordinance, currently in place, to a public vote scheduled for Nov. 2.

The ordinance, which bars 19- and 20-year-olds from entering local bars after 10 p.m., could be repealed or upheld.

Activists on both sides have mobilized to encourage votes on the issue. Yes to Entertaining Students Safely, the anti-21 movement, submitted 2,961 valid signatures to get the issue on the ballot. Weeks later, another campaign, 21 Makes Sense, formed to support the ordinance in anticipation of a public vote.

Read more here: http://www.dailyiowan.com/2010/07/13/Metro/17941.html
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